Bicycle Accident Attorneys
In recent years, more people have begun commuting to work via bicycle, especially in major metropolitan areas. Philadelphia’s bicycle commuting rate is 2.3 percent – the highest per-capita rate among the 10 largest U.S. cities.
When bikes share the road with motorists, accidents can and do occur. The risk of an accident between a bicycle and motor vehicle increases in areas without bike lanes, when drivers are inattentive, or when drivers can’t see cyclists well because of weather or lighting.
Inattention is a major factor in all vehicle accidents, and when a cyclist is pedaling along the side of the road, a driver’s momentary lapse in awareness could result in serious injury or death.
Why Choose Us?
We Have the Experience You Need
When it comes to bicycle accident claims for compensation in Philadelphia, experience matters. At Wapner Newman, we have the experience and the reputation to faithfully represent our clients in important bicycle accident matters. We know how to pursue maximum compensation, and we never let insurance companies wriggle out of their duty to pay what they owe.
If you have been in a bicycle accident, choose Wapner Newman and get a firm with:
- A team of award-winning attorneys ready to fight
- Years of experience collecting millions in compensation for clients
- A reputation for giving tailored service to each of our clients
- Direct and around-the-clock access for clients with concerns and emergencies.
Wapner Newman has proven to be one of the top injury firms in Philadelphia and across the state. We have represented thousands faithfully and can potentially do the same for you. Contact our office to take the first step toward the justice you deserve.
Justice Through Compensation
If you have been in a bicycle accident in Philadelphia, you may be entitled to justice through compensation, depending on the circumstances of your accident. In most cases, compensation will come by way of your auto insurance or the insurance of the party who caused the accident. In rarer cases, it may come from third parties not present at the crash, such as bicycle parts manufacturers, bicycle repair shops, or property owners.
The term “damages” refers to the types of compensation you can receive for your losses. In Pennsylvania, bicycle accidents are covered by the auto insurance policies of the parties involved in a wreck. But bicycle accidents do not fall under the no-fault rules that govern car crashes.
According to Pennsylvania’s no-fault rules, drivers who opt for limited tort coverage — which most drivers do — may seek compensation only for medical bills, lost wages, and other monetary losses. Non-monetary losses are off the table in limited tort claims for compensation. However, bicycle accident victims may pursue non-monetary losses regardless of who they sue.
Non-monetary compensation (also known as non-economic damages) includes:
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Disfigurement.
Another form of damages, called punitive damages, may be available in some cases. Punitive damages are used to punish and deter certain types of outrageous behavior that puts others at an unreasonable risk of harm. For example, a motorist who intentionally swerves into a bicyclist due to road rage may very well be on the hook for punitive damages.
Common Bicycle Accident Injuries
Bicycle accident injuries run the gamut in terms of seriousness. One bicyclist might walk away from an accident with a simple scratch while another passes away from their injuries. In every case, they are vulnerable to catastrophic injuries when automobiles are present.
Some of the more common injuries that occur, both severe and minor, include:
- Scratches and abrasions
- Minor and major lacerations
- Sprains and strains
- Broken and crushed bones
- Pulled and detached tendons and ligaments
- Burns and road rash
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Neck and back injuries
- Spinal cord injuries.
In addition to these physical injuries, bicyclists also experience emotional and psychological harm and trauma, such as:
- Depression and anxiety
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- New phobias about riding in cars or traffic
- Nightmares
- Panic attacks.
These psychological and emotional wounds work in concert with the physical injuries to significantly reduce the quality of a person’s life.
Bicycle Injury Trends
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bicyclists that collide with vehicles on public roads die at double the rate of motor vehicle occupants, yet cyclists account for only 1 percent of all transportation trips. While bicycle-crash fatalities have decreased overall, statistics indicate that people who use bicycles to commute to work are at greater risk of a fatal crash.
Researchers noted that there are several factors affecting fatal bike crashes that could not be accurately measured. The data researchers analyzed doesn’t include crashes on private roads or crashes that didn’t involve motor vehicles. The data also doesn’t show individual bicyclists’ experiences – such as the average number of miles traveled or average length of trip. But researchers concluded that adults do have a high risk of being fatally injured when involved in a crash with a motor vehicle.
Researchers for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that certain types of car-bike collisions are more deadly than others. Of the 3,300 cyclists who died in crashes between 2008 and 2012, 74 percent were hit by the front end of a car. And in 45 percent of those crashes, the car and bicyclist were traveling in the same direction when the car hit the cyclist from behind.
Philadelphia Bicycle Safety Measures
Safety measures like bike lanes may help reduce the number of car-bike collisions. Enhanced technology could also help reduce crashes — car accident-avoidance systems could be engineered to recognize not just cars but also the backs of cyclists, and such a change would mitigate a large portion of the crashes that kill people traveling on two wheels.
How Our Bicycle Accident Attorney Can Help
We Handle Every Aspect of Your Case While You Recover
Making a bicycle accident even worse is having to fight for compensation alone while you are still recovering. At Wapner Newman, we take the burden of fighting off your shoulders so you can spend your valuable time recuperating from your injuries.
The stress that goes along with battling for compensation can set your recovery back considerably. Why take on the pressure of battling insurance company adjusters when our experienced bicycle accident lawyers can do it for you? As mentioned earlier, you stand to get far more compensation with an attorney on your side than alone.
Some of the many tasks we handle for you include:
- Accident investigations
- Consultations with accident investigators and experts
- Insurance settlement negotiations
- Paperwork and document management
- Depositions
- Discovery
- Representation at trial if necessary.
The compensation process is complex and unforgiving. A mistake in your paperwork could cause you to receive far less compensation or none at all. Don’t let the insurance company handling your case get away with paying you less.
Contact Wapner Newman to learn how we can potentially get you maximum compensation for your losses. Call (215) 569-0900 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Philadelphia injury lawyer today.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is important that you understand the bicycle accident compensation process so you know how things will proceed. Please review the following Q&A and contact our office for more information.
Should I hire a bicycle accident lawyer to represent me?
If you would like to receive the maximum compensation possible, you should hire a bicycle accident lawyer. Although you must pay a fee to your bicycle accident lawyer, keep in mind that injury victims with lawyers usually get over four times the compensation that victims without lawyers receive.
So even after paying attorney’s fees, represented accident victims typically get far more money than unrepresented victims.
How much do bicycle accident lawyers charge?
Philadelphia bicycle accident lawyers charge a percentage of the money they collect for you. So if they collect zero, you pay zero. Additionally, Philadelphia bicycle accident lawyers typically do not ask for any money up front. This practice helps accident victims by allowing them to conserve their finances until a settlement or verdict comes in.
How long do bicycle accident claims take to settle?
It can take as little as a few months to settle your claim if it is more or less straightforward and lacks complexities. However, more complex claims take longer to resolve, with some of them needing mediation or a trial.
Will my case have to go to trial?
Although some cases do go to trial, most do not. If you have a bicycle accident claim for compensation, it is likely that your attorneys and the insurance company handling your claim will be able to reach a settlement. But if they don’t, your attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf and fight for you in a courtroom.
Does Pennsylvania have helmet laws or other safety equipment laws for bicyclists?
Yes, but only for certain minors. Minors under 12 must wear a helmet when riding on a bicycle.
I wasn’t wearing a helmet. Can that be used against me in my compensation claim?
No. Pennsylvania law does not allow a party to argue that another party contributed to their injuries and losses because they failed to wear a helmet.
How much time do I have to file a bicycle accident injury claim?
In most cases, you must file your claim within two years of the accident. If the victim is a minor, the clock does not start ticking until they reach the age of majority.
For more answers and to speak with an experienced bicycle accident attorney, contact our office at any time.
Contact Our Bicycle Accident Attorneys
We Are Ready to Help
Unfortunately, reckless drivers are an ever-present danger on the roads. Bicyclists are too frequently injured when they share the road with other vehicles.
If a driver caused injury to you or another cyclist in your family, you may be entitled to compensation. Find out how we can help you. For a free no-obligation consultation, call an experienced Philadelphia bicycle accident lawyer at (215) 569-0900, or fill out our online contact form. Wapner Newman serves clients across Pennsylvania and New Jersey.