Philadelphia Can You Sue for a Bad C-section?
Every parent fondly remembers the birth of their child. The first moments after your child is born can be among the most wonderful memories of your life. For many pregnancies, a C-section is required to facilitate the birth, but even the necessity of being stitched up can’t ruin that moment. What can ruin it, however, is when the doctor performs a bad C-section and either you or your child is injured. In that nightmare scena...
Philadelphia How Much is the Average Birth Injury Settlement?
Seeking legal advice can help you to determine when to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. A birth injury caused by a doctor's negligence is a medical malpractice case. A medical professional's actions or inactions prior to, during and after the birth of your baby could cause birth injuries. The happiness of holding your child for the first time could be marred by the thoughts of all of the medical care you will need to provid...
Philadelphia How Do You Prove That a Birth Injury Caused Cerebral Palsy?
Proving that cerebral palsy resulted from a birth injury is difficult, but an experienced birth injury lawyer can help. Cerebral palsy is a tragic, life-changing disorder that may have a devastating effect on a child and its family, and it is especially tragic when it could have been prevented. If your child’s cerebral palsy was caused by a birth injury due to medical negligence, a birth injury or medical malpractice lawyer...
Philadelphia Can I Sue if My Baby Suffered Oxygen Deprivation at Birth?
You may be able to sue if your baby suffered oxygen deprivation at birth if the problem was caused by a medical professional’s negligence or fault. A medical negligence lawyer in philadelphia can help. When an infant is deprived of oxygen at birth, the resulting brain damage can have a devastating effect on the child and the entire family, as the child may not be able to function and may require expensive medical and reha...
Shoulder dystocia is a type of birth injury that happens when an infant’s shoulders become stuck in the mother’s birth canal during delivery. If there is too long of a delay between the emergence of the infant’s head and the emergence of its shoulders, your newborn’s health can be seriously compromised. Studies have shown that approximately 20% of infants who are delivered via shoulder dystocia suffer a temporary o...