Philadelphia How Do You Prove a TBI in Philadelphia?
Getting full, fair compensation tasks community members with a burden to prove traumatic brain injury. Given you or a loved one may be suffering the debilitating effects of what is commonly called a “TBI,” a compelling case must be made to persuade an insurance company, Veterans Administration (VA), or the courts that you have suffered serious harm. Everyday people often ask, “How do you prove TBI?” The answer is ty...
A personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia can help you get your medical bills paid and receive compensation for all your losses in a personal injury case. Payment of your medical bills resulting from an accident will be part of any settlement reached in a personal injury insurance claim or lawsuit. That includes reimbursement for medical bills already paid and a plan for payment of all future medical treatment that is projec...
Philadelphia Who is at Fault in a Lane-Change Accident?
It’s difficult to prove fault in a lane-change accident, but our Philadelphia car accident attorney knows how. When an accident happens while changing lanes or merging onto a highway, it is often tricky to determine which driver was at fault. Unfortunately, lane-change accidents are common, and they can cause major injuries that can result in paralysis or even death. Survivors may be left unable to work at a time that medic...
Philadelphia What Is Premises Liability?
If you are injured on someone else’s property and you believe the owner may be responsible, you may have cause to file a premises liability lawsuit. What many people may not realize is that business and property owners have a responsibility to maintain a reasonably safe environment. The fact that someone was injured due to a hard impact fall or another incident may indicate the property owner failed to fulfill their duty to ...
Philadelphia What Types of Brain Injuries Are Caused by Medical Malpractice?
What types of brain injuries are caused by medical malpractice? Brain injuries can be caused by a wide range of actions or inactions, from car accidents to falls to being struck by an object. Medical malpractice can also cause brain injuries, but it is sometimes overlooked as a cause. Anyone who gets medical treatment from a healthcare professional wants to assume that they are in the best hands possible and receiving the ...