According to the old adage, dogs are man’s best friend. Your dog is a pet, a friend, and, in some cases, a guardian. That latter can be comforting, but it can also place you in legal peril. Your dog only has two meaningful ways of protecting your property. It can bark and scare away a potential trespasser, and it can attack the trespasser, usually with its teeth. If the latter happens, you might ask the question, “If my do...

Medical and financial safety nets in the U.S. are in shambles. If you are seriously injured, the odds are that you will not have enough sick and vacation time to cover the lost work time. And unless you are lucky enough to have exceptional health insurance, medical bills may drain your bank account quickly. One of the few options that U.S. law provides for avoiding financial ruin is filing a personal injury lawsuit against a n...

Pennsylvania nursing homes are in a state of crisis. From serious safety violations to severe staffing shortages, nursing homes across the state are facing critical issues when it comes to safely providing for their residents. If you have a loved one who resides in a Pennsylvania nursing home, it’s essential to be aware of the many issues plaguing Pennsylvania senior living facilities.
Unfortunately, many of the issues th...

Pregnancy is known for producing a wide range of unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination. While these can be typical at any time of year, anyone who has been pregnant during the summer months can attest that the heat often significantly increases physical discomfort. What pregnant mothers might not know is that summertime can also bring additional risks for a developing infant.
If you’re pregn...
When people are injured, they may think they can handle matters on their own. But it’s not as simple as filing an insurance claim and waiting for a check to arrive. To get the best outcome, you’re going to need legal help.
If an insurance company offers you a quick settlement, you can be sure that you’re probably eligible to receive a lot more money than the amount you’ve been offered. However, you’ll need to cons...