Drexel Car Accident Lawyer


After decades of safety campaigns and safer vehicle designs, car accidents continue to occur at unacceptable rates. There is a system of compensation, but victims need someone who can navigate this compensation process, or they risk getting less compensation than they deserve. If you have been injured in a car crash, an experienced Drexel Hill car accident lawyer can help you pursue fair compensation.

Because of the destructive forces involved in car accidents, it is not surprising that victims suffer catastrophic injuries. These injuries can lead to an inability to engage in gainful employment or, worse, result in death. The damages these victims and their families receive help them recover and move on with their lives.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation that could make a difference in your life, now and in the future.


At this difficult time, it makes sense to have a lawyer on your side who can provide guidance, deal with insurance companies and the intricacies of Pennsylvania law, and fight for the settlement you deserve. At Wapner Newman, our Drexel Hill car accident attorneys are here to take the burden off you and fight for the compensation you deserve. Our track record shows that we are a serious law firm with a reputation for getting major results, including a $2.3 million settlement in a Philadelphia fatal three-car accident case. Let us put our extensive resources to work for you.

We offer a free consultation to discuss the facts of your individual situation, answer your questions, and show you how we can help. Do not worry about costs — you pay nothing unless and until we win a settlement for you. Our attorneys serve clients throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Call us today to get started at (215) 569-0900.

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How Our Car Accident Lawyers in Drexel Hill Work for You

Why Choose Us?

Even if you think your injuries are minor, you should consult an experienced Drexel Hill car accident attorney as soon as possible. There are time limits for filing a lawsuit, and it’s important to get started while evidence is fresh and witnesses can be found.

At Wapner Newman, we work to build the cases our clients need to win. Led by Attorney Robert Miller, our team of Drexel Hill car accident lawyers routinely recovers large verdicts and settlements our clients need to recuperate their health and lives, such as the $16 million recovered from a drunk driver in a pedestrian accident case.

Choose us, and we’ll handle every stage of your claim, including:

  • Meet with you to discuss how the accident happened, who the at-fault parties may be, and determine what type of settlement to fight for.
  • Ensure you get proper medical care and that everything is documented.
  • Investigate your case by gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses, police officers, and first responders.
  • File all paperwork in accordance with deadlines and court requirements.
  • Hire experts to reconstruct the crash scene and experts to testify as to your costs and how your injuries negatively impact your life into the future.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies and their attorneys for a fair settlement.
  • Build your case and take it to trial if necessary.

Our clients’ satisfaction says it all:

“I didn’t know how my medical bills or my property damage would be paid. Fortunately, I hired Wapner & Newman to represent me. They took care of everything so that all I had to do was get the medical treatment I needed. All my claims were settled quickly and fairly. I even received compensation for my pain and suffering.” – Robert R.

Our car accident attorneys in Drexel Hill are accessible. Rest assured that we will be there for you throughout the entire process, answering your questions and addressing your concerns.

Damage Awards Our Car Accident Lawyers in Drexel Hill May Win

Compensation in car accident cases is paid out as specific types of damages. These damages address the various losses Pennsylvania law sees as compensable. The bulk of the damages paid out to victims of car accidents are either economic or non-economic damages. Although compensation varies from case to case, generally, the more serious the accident, the more compensation the victim will get.

The skill and negotiating power of your attorneys is also a factor. An experienced Drexel car accident attorney understands the process and knows how to take the steps necessary to recover maximum compensation.

In a successful car accident lawsuit, our Drexel car accident lawyers may win a damage award that covers the following:

Economic damages for your monetary losses and costs such as:

  • Medical and rehabilitation expenses and costs of continuing care
  • Lost wages and future earning potential
  • Property damage.

Non-economic damages for restitution for damages that do not have a specific dollar value, but negatively impact your life, such as:

  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Loss of quality of life and consortium.

Punitive damages. In some rare cases where there was gross or willful negligence, you may also be awarded punitive damages. These are meant to punish a defendant that acted in a willful, malicious way and with a wanton disregard for others’ safety.

Our Drexel Car Accident Attorney Must Prove Negligence 

To win your case, our attorneys would have to show that your injuries were caused by another party’s negligence or fault. This means legally proving the following elements:

  • Duty: The defendant owed you a duty to take reasonable care not to cause you harm.
  • Breach: The defendant breached this duty and failed to exercise this care.
  • Cause: The breach of duty caused your injuries.
  • Damages: You suffered damages as a result.

Determining fault is a complex legal process and can be difficult, because there may be issues involved such as bad weather, road construction, another car accident, vehicle malfunctions, or distracted, drunk or aggressive driving. In some cases, there may be multiple at-fault parties in addition to the other driver, such as the owner of a trucking company if you were hit by a truck, the manufacturer of a faulty auto part that failed, a mechanic who did bad repairs on your brakes, or a road repair company that left debris on the road.  Our Drexel car accident attorneys would look to hold all negligent parties accountable, as they all may have insurance and assets that can go toward a settlement.

Call us today at (215) 569-0900.

Car Accident Attorneys in Drexel Hill Answer Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You Need

After a car accident, you are bound to have questions and concerns. The best place to get answers is at your free consultation, but to get you started, here are answers to some questions our lawyers are often asked:

Should I Speak to the Insurance Company?

You should only speak to an insurance company after having your claim properly evaluated by an experienced attorney. An attorney has the duty to fight for your best interests. Insurance companies are not beholden to you beyond the language of the policy. They seek to maximize profits, which only occurs when they pay less than they should or nothing at all.

Are There Time Limits for Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Yes. The statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit in Pennsylvania is two years. After that, collecting compensation from the insurance company will be impossible, and if you file a lawsuit, it will be dismissed.

How do Car Insurance Laws Come into Play?

If you have no-fault limited tort insurance, your insurance company will pay up to your policy limits for reasonable economic damages, including medical treatment, partial wage replacement, and funeral and burial expenses in the event of a fatality. However, you may seek non-economic compensation if your injuries are serious or were caused by a DUI or a driver from out of state.

If you have full-tort insurance, you can also pursue full compensation, including economic and non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering and disfigurement. You may also pursue full tort compensation if the other driver does not have insurance.

What If I Did Something to Contribute to the Accident? 

If you are less than 50% responsible for a car accident, you may still recover damages based on the proportion of your responsibility. For example, if you are 30% responsible and experience $100,000 in damages, $30,000 will be subtracted from your compensation.

We know you have more questions, and our Drexel car accident attorneys can answer them. Call us today.

Experienced Drexel Car Accident Attorneys

Protecting Your Rights

If you or a family member has suffered an injury from a car crash, don’t wait to get help. The skilled and experienced Drexel car accident attorneys at Wapner Newman are committed to giving your case individual attention. Our personal injury lawyers can provide you with dependable guidance, a listening ear, and strong legal strategies. We have helped hundreds of clients through the years deal with accident costs and secure the compensation they are entitled to through our thorough and creative investigative legal solutions.

Contact a Drexel car accident lawyer at Wapner Newman today — schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced lawyers at (215) 569-0900. We help clients in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.